Veteran’s Voice — Free career guidance for Veterans from America’s top companies

  • Veteran's Voice — Sept. 298, 2023
    Veteran's Voice — Sept. 298, 2023

American Corporate Partners (ACP) connects post-9/11 Veterans and active-duty military spouses with corporate professionals for customized career guidance and mentorship. The not-for-profit organization reports some outstanding numbers, with over 2,400 participating veterans and spouses obtaining employment in 2022, with an average annual salary of over $90,000. Some of the participating Fortune 500 companies with a strong local presence include Disney, CXS, Lockheed Martin, HCA, and Northrup Grumman. For more information, see https://bit. ly/3Ry1fYu

Boots to Business

If entrepreneurship and starting your own business is more your style, the federal Small Business Administration (SBA) can help you get a solid foundation through their Boots to Business program. There are actually four programs, one for active-duty service members in transition and ones for veterans, National Guard, Reserve, and military spouses. Two follow-up programs open to all who have completed the initial course. Get more information at https://bit. ly/3EIQFq9

I can’t hear you!

Seriously, hearing loss is no joke, so if your hearing was affected by the use of defective 3M earplugs provided by the military, the company will soon be paying out more than $5.5 billion in damages, however you must have already been a party to one of the current 300,000 lawsuits already filed.

According to the lawsuits, the earplugs were defective over a 12-year period starting in 2003. In 2012, there were 971,990 tinnitus claims lodged with the US Veterans Administration, government records show. Experts estimate such claims are rising 15% annually. Like most things that enter the legal arena, no one is going to be completely happy or whole. It is estimated that total damages should amount to $10 billion, an amount that would certainly bankrupt 3M, which is also facing lawsuits in connection with the PFAS “forever” carcinogenic chemicals in aircraft firefighting foam used at military airfields for decades.

In both cases, 3M allegedly knew there were problems with their products but refused to disclose that information. One bit of good news is that if you are already receiving VA benefits for hearing loss and tinnitus related to the defective earplugs, the VA has decided to waive their ability to recoup money from the lawsuit to pay for their expenditures. I have been unable to find a definitive official website for the earplug pay out, however there are numerous law firms seeking clients on the PFAS issue, which has not gone through any VA evaluation process as of yet.

Veterans Day is Saturday Nov. 11

The Osceola County Sheriff is hosting a Veterans Appreciation Day on Friday, Nov. 10 at Lake X. I understand that the Veterans Day parade will be in Kissimmee this year, and possibly a Ruck March again in St. Cloud. Stay tuned for more details. As always, let us know of your veteran and patriotic related events at